Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Inaugural Post

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I am designing this blog as a way to keep up with the goings-on in my classroom and around my school. My hope is to provide a place for teachers to share creative ideas for the classroom. If you have any creative ideas, please contact me about doing a guest post! I would love to have you!

Welcome to my classroom!


  1. Am I the first comment on your new blog?!? If so, I feel very honored! Cool idea, Angel! Right now I am working on a literature unit for my reading class because we are sooo bored with our routine with the reading textbook. I've been reading Arthur, For the Very First Time by Patricia MacLachlan and want to make some fun activities and assessments to go along with it. Any ideas? I really want to introduce my students to wonderful books written by great authors! Any helpful hints or suggestions? Do you all read any chapter books as a whole class?

  2. yay! you are the first comment! thanks, i think it is a cool idea too, but it will only work if people actually read and participate. fingers crossed!

    i am turning this comment into a post of it's own - hopefull later today : )

    enjoy your 100millionth snow day!
