Title: Mudshark (2009)
Author: Gary Paulsen, Newbery Honor Winner
Other Books by this Author: Hatchet, Brian's Winter, Lawn Boy, and many others
AR Reading Level: 6.3
AR Interest Level: Middle Grades
AR Points: 2
My Rating: Didn't Like It, It was Okay, Liked It, Really Liked It, It was Amazing
I enjoyed this book. It tells of a boy who has answers - all because of his mad observation skills. These skills help him solve all types of problems, which is good because his school has a lot. Each chapter opens with an announcement from the principal warning kids to return lost erasers, stay away from the rogue gerbil, and ignore the Hazmat team that is dealing with the problem in the faculty restroom.
This book would be a little bit too difficult for most of my fourth graders, but for the ones who would be able to read it, it would be enjoyable and age-appropriate.
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